Bachelor of Science Accounting - Western Governors University

Degree Overview 

Four year confirmation in experimental studies Accounting 

Pick up your student accounting degree online from WGU, an approve, generous, online school. The B.S. in accounting will enable you to set your knowledge and aptitudes in financial and cost accounting, charge accounting, assessing, and other accounting zones. In the wake of fulfilling your web accounting degree, you will wind up being a furnished clerk with the data and aptitudes anticipated that would get a claim position, for instance, staff accountant, charge accountant, or inspector. 

Understudies excited about open accounting and picking up the CPA accreditation are asked to secure the B.S. in Accounting took after by the Master of Accounting (MAcc). This philosophy licenses qualified understudies to meet the 150 semester hours required to sit for the CPA exam in numerous states. (Essentials for CPA licensure change by state.) 

Who the Program is For: 

Set up accountants or agents who require a B.S. in accounting to drive their callings. 

Individuals who wish to dispatch a calling as an accountant in a corporate setting and require the planning and accreditations to open doors. 

Individuals who have completed some school coursework or have germane work experience. 

Individuals who can commonly smolder through 15 or more hours for consistently on their studies. 

This framework will be versatile and adaptable to your timetable. Click here to make sense of how this framework capacities.

Bachelor of Science Accounting - Western Governors University Bachelor of Science Accounting - Western Governors University Reviewed by University Collage Info on 03:28 Rating: 5

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