Dance - Slippery Rock University


Offered by: Department of Dance 

Is it genuine that you are vivacious about move as a show-stopper? Do you attempt to perform and choreograph? Given this is genuine, SRU is the spot for you. The Dance task is a comprehensively popular framework that advances move as a compelling artwork through the innovative, particular, expressive, and academic change of each understudy. The SRU Department of Dance offers the principle Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance degree program in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. Our task focuses pretty much as on performing, choreography, and educating outfitting you with an adjusted and exceptionally respected move preparing. 

Understudies can enlist for a move tryout here. 


Our master workforce is known for their awesomeness and ability to instruct craftsmen. Through SRU's Dance program, you'll fundamentally assemble your level of data about move as a show-stopper, move system, choreography, move development, the training of move, and move as a calling. In case you joined one of the division's turn associations, you will increment valuable experience working with your buddies outside of the classroom on shows and organization learning. 


You'll make sense of how to amplify and perfect your tasteful and research limits through various methodology, execution, choreography, and training courses. 

Other solid segments of our educational programs include: 

  • Piece 
  • Imaginative move for kids 
  • Move Kinesiology 
  • Move innovation 
  • Field experience 
  • Laban Movement Analysis 
  • Creation 
  • Health for artists

Dance - Slippery Rock University Dance - Slippery Rock University Reviewed by University Collage Info on 23:46 Rating: 5

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