5 Financial Questions to Ask Before Getting an Online Degree - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKERLEY

Online understudies have a heavy divide of the same cost, financial guide and understudy advance questions​ as their accomplices going to piece and-mortar schools.

Nevertheless, somebody of a kind money request may develop moreover.

"There are obviously a few regulations that online understudies should understand going into the system, given that so countless are working adults, who go to class low support," said Susan Aldridge, president of Drexel University Online, in an email.

For example, enrolling in under six credits or taking a semester or two off might impact help or trigger development repayment, says Aldridge.

[Find out how to decipher the honest to goodness cost of your online degree.]

Distinctive request may develop about how the framework handles fiscal guide or trades insightful credits.

The accompanying are five money delivers that understudies should ask before looking for after an online degree.

Answers have been adjusted for length and clarity.

Deana Coady, VP of understudy money related aide for Apollo Education Group Inc., gatekeeper association of Western International University and University of Phoenix

What is this degree going to cost me, and how am I going to pay for it? On the off chance that you're conversing with a school representative who can't clearly give you the cost of the task, I'd propose hanging up the phone. Besides, essentially consider cost over one year. You have to look at the entire experience as you would with a home or an auto. Grasp what it'll cost you over the life of that program and think about credits as an investment.

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5 Financial Questions to Ask Before Getting an Online Degree - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKERLEY 5 Financial Questions to Ask Before Getting an Online Degree - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKERLEY Reviewed by University Collage Info on 23:54 Rating: 5

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