Chemistry Education in Abraod - Claremont McKenna College


The understudy of science takes a gander at, depicts, and researches the plan, structure, and properties of substances and the movements they encounter. This instructive projects gives a firm foundation in the guidelines of science furthermore sufficient experience to set up the understudy for principal examination, discretionary school educating, the journey for a calling in solution, or graduate study in the field. The Keck science major is confirm by the American Chemical Society (ACS).
Science Major 

Huge Requirements 

The huge in science requires no less than 13 courses, appropriated as takes after: 

1. Essential Chemistry (1 or 2 courses) 

CHEM 014L KS - Basic Principles of Chemistry 

on the other hand CHEM 040L KS - Introduction to Biological Chemistry 


CHEM 015L KS - Basic Principles of Chemistry 

on the other hand 

CHEM 029L KS - Accelerated General Chemistry 

2. Essential Physics (2 courses) 

PHYS 033L KS - Principles of Physics 

PHYS 034L KS - Principles of Physics 

on the other hand 

PHYS 030L KS - General Physics 

PHYS 031L KS - General Physics 

with assent of specialist 

3. Upper-Level Chemistry (8 courses) 

CHEM 116L KS - Organic Chemistry 

CHEM 117L KS - Organic Chemistry 

CHEM 121 KS - Principles of Physical Chemistry 

CHEM 122 KS - Principles of Physical Chemistry 

CHEM 126L KS - Advanced Laboratory in Chemistry 

CHEM 127L KS - Advanced Laboratory in Chemistry 

CHEM 128 KS - Inorganic Chemistry 

CHEM 177 KS - Biochemistry 

on the other hand BIOL 177 KS - Biochemistry 

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    Chemistry Education in Abraod - Claremont McKenna College Chemistry Education in Abraod - Claremont McKenna College Reviewed by University Collage Info on 03:22 Rating: 5

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