Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, NY) - Earth Science

Earth Science

Staff: See Earth Science and Geography Department 

Early Advising: Knowledge of earth science is useful in a variety of jobs. In this manner, we urge potential majors to direct with a representative in earth science as fast as time grants to center a course of study that mirrors the pastimes and longings of the understudy. The earth science program moreover offers courses at the 100-level proposed for understudies who may not plan to look for after earth science at more pushed levels.

These courses are appropriate for understudies curious about the earth and its life, especially those with stresses over common defilement and its impact on people living in both urban and nation settings. 

Postgraduate Work: Students motivated by graduate study in earth or environmental science should be careful that graduate and master schools as a general rule require courses past the earth science center necessities. 

At the point when all is said in done, understudies should have a year of science, science, material science and/or math, dependent upon the field of leisure activity. Appropriate courses consolidate BIOL 105 and BIOL 106; CHEM 108/CHEM 109 or CHEM 125; PHYS 113 and PHYS 114; and MATH 101 and MATH 102 or MATH 121/MATH 122. We urge understudies to begin coursework in various sciences as fast as time grants, since this helps them in productive climax of the earth science major. 

Guides: Ms. Menking, Ms. Schneiderman, Mr. Walker. 



• Earth Science Major 

Partner Sequence in Earth Science.

Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, NY) - Earth Science Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, NY) - Earth Science Reviewed by University Collage Info on 04:05 Rating: 5

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