University of Denver (Denver, CO) - Department of Computer Science

Computer Science

 Computer Science includes the hypothesis and methods by which data is encoded, put away, conveyed, changed and investigated. It is worried with the hypothesis of calculations (that is, viable systems or projects), with the structure of dialects for the declaration of calculations and with the outline of calculations for the arrangement of down to earth issues. 

A central concern is the PC's examination structures (gear and programming) for the customized execution of these counts. 

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Denver offers a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. 

The degree is immovably arranged in science and, honestly, an understudy will actually acquire sufficient credits for a minor in number-crunching. One additional minor is required. The second minor might be in any request other than number juggling or programming building. 

Four year accreditation in experimental studies MAJOR REQUIREMENTS 

(183 credits required for the degree) 

Despite critical course work, a minor in science is required. On the off chance that it's not all that much inconvenience suggest the Department of Mathematics for unpretentious components. 

56 credits, including the going with: 

COMP 1671 Introduction to Computer Science I 4 

COMP 1672 Introduction to Computer Science II 4 

COMP 2300 Discrete Structures in Computer Science 1-4 

COMP 2355 Intro to Systems Programming 4 

COMP 2370 Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures 4 

COMP 2673 Introduction to Computer Science III 4 

COMP 2691 Introduction to Computer Organization 4 

COMP 3351 Programming Languages 4 

COMP 3361 Operating Systems I 4 


Complete 20 credits of 3000-level programming building courses. 1 20 

Total Credits 56.

University of Denver (Denver, CO) - Department of Computer Science University of Denver (Denver, CO) - Department of Computer Science Reviewed by University Collage Info on 03:14 Rating: 5

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