College of the Ozarks (Point Lookout, MO) - Physical Education, Health/Wellness, and Recreation

Hard Work U
Physical Education, Health/Wellness, and Recreation

Scholarly Programs 

Understudies wishing to real in physical training may browse the accompanying projects: 

Physical Education K-12 (twofold noteworthy with Secondary Education), 

Physical Education-Recreational Administration,

Exercise Science Emphasis, 

Associated Health Science. 

The Physical Education office at College of the Ozarks demonstrates the required courses of Lifetime Wellness and Swimming, notwithstanding electives and courses proposed to set up the understudy for a specialist business in physical preparing. Practical experience joined with an in number human sciences and Physical Education instructive modules prompts an adjusted graduate. 

The objectives of the Physical Education genuine are that the understudy will: (1) acquire a foundations' learning and utilization of physical preparing examination; (2) make data of a wide grouping of body organization aptitudes; and (3) add to the ability to appear and propel wellbeing arranged activities in physical direction classes, work out administrations, penetrating, wellbeing livelihoods, wellbeing, and recreational activities.

College of the Ozarks (Point Lookout, MO) - Physical Education, Health/Wellness, and Recreation College of the Ozarks (Point Lookout, MO) - Physical Education, Health/Wellness, and Recreation Reviewed by University Collage Info on 00:58 Rating: 5

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