Millsaps College (Jackson, MS) - MACC Program

MACC Program
Else School of Management - Master of Accountancy 

Educational programs 

MAcc ProgramThe Master of Accountancy educational programs is intended to furnish understudies with more noteworthy profundity and broadness in bookkeeping training than the Bachelor of Accounting or Master of Business Administration degrees. Understudies with college degrees in bookkeeping and understudies with degrees in fields other than bookkeeping might seek after the MACC degree, in spite of the fact that understudies with practically zero scholastic foundation in bookkeeping or business are required to take extra undergrad or establishment courses to meet all requirements for the 600-level courses. 


The MACC program incorporates 15 hours of bookkeeping prerequisites.* These essentials set up the understudy for cutting edge investigation of bookkeeping. Fulfillment or waiver of an essential is required for cutting edge study. Proficient assignments might likewise be acknowledged to waive the relating essential courses. The accompanying essential bookkeeping courses are required for the MACC: 

Moderate Accounting I 

Moderate Accounting II 

Examining I 

Singular Income Taxation 

Progressed Financial Accounting.

Millsaps College (Jackson, MS) - MACC Program Millsaps College (Jackson, MS) - MACC Program Reviewed by University Collage Info on 00:14 Rating: 5

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