University of Arkansas (Fayetteville, AR) - Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science
Biological Studies and Sustainability 

The Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Studies is for understudies searching for careful multi­disciplinary examination of the consistent systems and methods of the Earth and the piece of individuals who both depend on upon and sway these structures and strategies. With an in number foundation in the trademark sciences and a sweeping perception of the plan implications of natural science, understudies with this degree will be all around masterminded graduate study in this field and for work with both open associations and private associations moving toward a more supportable future. 

Understudies will end up being all around taught about consistent history and science, as a setting in which to embed their exploratory study. Understudies will in like manner consider ethics and approach as they produce strong, critical applications for exploratory attempt. 

Compelled Residency Bachelor of Arts 

Prescott College's devotion to understudy engaged, experiential learning fuses a thankfulness for the adult understudy's previous learning, whether that learning happened in non-school settings, saw Massive Open Online Courses, or in intensified, asking for capable experiences. 

After the first semester, Limited-Residency and On-Campus school understudies might apply to begin a system in which they report and request examination of their previous adapting in order to obtain Prescott College credits. This technique is known as Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)

University of Arkansas (Fayetteville, AR) - Bachelor of Science University of Arkansas (Fayetteville, AR) - Bachelor of Science Reviewed by University Collage Info on 03:16 Rating: 5

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