College of the Ozarks (Point Lookout, MO) -Biblical and Theological Studies

Hard Work U

Biblical and Theological Studies

Whether understudies are hoping to serve in Christian camps, urban administrations, neighborhood spots of love, outside countries, or proceed to ace's level school, the Biblical and Theological Studies (BTS) division at College of the Ozarks tries to arrange majors and minors for a certainty filled future in life and administration. Set up in a significant understanding the Bible, the BTS office champions the Christian Goal of the school, "To develop the Christian certainty through the coordination of certainty with urging to learn, living, and organization" understudies to form in their knowledge into Scripture and see the Lordship of Jesus in every region of life. 

The division offers a huge in Biblical and Theological Studies with complements in Biblical Studies, Christian Ministry, or Philosophy. A couple understudies might want a foremost outside of the BTS office however understand that they should be incorporated with the gathering and Christian administration for whatever is left of their lives. For these understudies, the division offers three minors under the same titles as the highlights above, which give a basic prologue to tried and true organization in the assembly at any level. 

Understudies in the BTS division have the opportunity to take courses that accentuation on Scripture interpretation, Old and New Testament, Greek and Hebrew, church history, Christian powerful presence, Systematic Theology, Practcal Theology, the life of Jesus, the motivation of Christian missions, and various others. Courses are taught by an expert and tranquil workforce arranged in some the nation's driving religious foundations. With years of appearing and neighborhood church experience, the workforce acknowledges helping understudies with watching God's calling upon their lives, and how their God-given aptitudes and intrigues play out in the Lord's great course of action of recovering the world!

College of the Ozarks (Point Lookout, MO) -Biblical and Theological Studies College of the Ozarks (Point Lookout, MO) -Biblical and Theological Studies Reviewed by University Collage Info on 00:39 Rating: 5

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