University of Denver (Denver, CO) - Geography (GEOG)

Geography (GEOG)


GEOG 1201 Environmental Systems: Weather (4 Credits)

First class in a three-quarter course of action that shows the foremost methods that speak to the physical environment; introduction to the essentials of the characteristic structure and the diverse strategies that control atmosphere and climate. The understudy will have a crucial appreciation of the key parts of the biological structure, nature with the piece of imperativeness noticeable all around and its control over cycles of air temperature, a sound foundation in the instruments speaking to cloud game plan and precipitation, a fundamental cognizance of the ecological course and the whirlwind systems which make within it, and a preface to the commonplace assortment of environment. A lab accuse is associated of this course. This course checks toward the Scientific Inquiry: The Natural and Physical World need. 

GEOG 1202 Environmental Systems: Hydrology (4 Credits) 

Second rate in a three-quarter course of action that introduces the real techniques that direct the physical environment; the some portion of water in nature. This course focuses on the matter and essentialness travels through the hydrologic cycles, together with the consequent spatial spread and work of water. Diverse environmental issues concerning water including drought, water defilement, and human consequences for water supplies are consolidated. A lab cost is associated with this course. This course numbers toward the Scientific Inquiry: The Natural and Physical World need. 

GEOG 1203 Environmental Systems: Landforms (4 Credits) 

Inferior class in a three-quarter gathering that exhibits the real methods that manage the physical environment; geological wonders in various spots on the planet. Focuses join maps and air photos; rocks and minerals; plate tectonics and volcanoes; landforms conveyed by wind, water, earth controls and ice; and biogeography. A lab accuse is joined of this course. This course numbers toward the Scientific Inquiry: The Natural and Physical World need.

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University of Denver (Denver, CO) - Geography (GEOG)  University of Denver (Denver, CO) - Geography (GEOG) Reviewed by University Collage Info on 03:31 Rating: 5

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