University of Nevada Reno (Reno, NV)-Public Health, Ph.D.

Public Health, Ph.D.

I. Contact Information

School of Community Health Sciences
203 Lombardi
(775) 784-1857
Dr. Wei Yang, Graduate Program Director(775) 682-7094
II. Brief Introduction 

The School of Community Health Sciences offers a doctoral structure in Public Health with two specializations: 1) Epidemiology, and 2) Social and Behavioral Health. The Ph.D. is relied upon to get arranged understudies for reasons for living in which bleeding edge informative and figured limits are required, for case, school educating, examination, managing, system change or other abnormal state positions. The Ph.D. in Public Health with a specialization in Epidemiology concentrates on the power key for a the examination of illness transmission examination calling. The Ph.D. in Public Health with a specialization in Social and Behavioral Health underscored the strength key for a general wellbeing examination business concentrating on social and behavioral determinants of wellbeing. 

III. Program Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes 

Graduates will show thorough comprehension of the bona fide neighborhood, national, and general epidemiological, and social and behavioral wellbeing issues. 

Graduates will show magnificence in applying the theoretical and fundamental pondering the examination of ailment transmission, and social and behavioral wellbeing. 

Graduates will have driven free research that makes new wide wellbeing learning, and is depicted by processed and methodological watchfulness. 

Graduates will be able to present information and examination divulgences to suitable expert, investigative, approach and lay social occasions of observers and show aptitudes in making an interpretation of examination concerning general wellbeing routine of wellbeing system. 

Graduates will inspire arranged to search for after a lifetime of self-encouraged learning and ace movement. 

IV. Affirmation Requirements 

Affirmation Deadline: March 15th* 

* Ph.D. applications are perceived once reliably for fall affirmation. 

Unavoidable understudies must meet BOTH University of Nevada, Reno and School of Community Health Sciences necessities for graduate status. 

Earned Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) degree or proper expert's or doctoral degrees from favor foundations. 

Scarcest grade point standard of 3.0 or higher on a 4-point scale earned in a M.P.H. on the other hand equivalent pros or doctoral game plan of study. 

Focused Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores on verbal, quantitative, and exploratory measures. GRE scores will be evaluated with respect to different hopefuls in the pool. The exam likely been taken inside of the most recent five years. 

Three letters of recommendation from people who can assess the cheerful's inspiration, scholastic cutoff, stipend potential, and individual destinations for doctoral study. 

A present informational modules vitae (CV). 

A made elucidation out of individual vocation, illuminating and give objectives including perceiving confirmation of examination side hobbies. 

A smart wellbeing related made work test. 

An in-individual meeting with Ph.D. work power.
University of Nevada Reno (Reno, NV)-Public Health, Ph.D. University of Nevada Reno (Reno, NV)-Public Health, Ph.D. Reviewed by University Collage Info on 02:30 Rating: 5

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