Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, NY) - Science, Technology and Society Program

Science, Technology and Society Program
Director: Janet Gray;

Coordinating Committee: David Justin Esteban (Biology), Janet Gray (Psychology), M. Mark (English), Robert E. McAulaya (Sociology), Marque-Luisa Miringoffa (Sociology), José Perillána (Physics and Astronomy), Nancy Jo Pokrywka (Biology), Jill S. Schneiderman (Earth Science and Geography), Christopher White (Religion);

Taking an interest Faculty: Brian Daly (Physics and Astronomy), Eve Dunbar (English), David Justin Esteban (Biology), Janet Gray (Psychology), David K. Jemiolo (Biology), Jamie Kelly (Philosophy), Jennifer Kennell (Biology), M. Mark (English), Robert E. McAulaya (Sociology), Marque-Luisa Miringoffa (Sociology), José Perillána (Physics and Astronomy), Nancy Jo Pokrywka (Biology), Miriam Rossi (Chemistry), Paul Ruud (Economics), Jill S. Schneiderman (Earth Science and Geography), Christopher White (Religion), Douglas Winblad (Philosophy).

an On leave 2015/16, first semester

b On leave 2015/16, second semester

The multidisciplinary program in Science, Technology, and Society is proposed to enable understudies to look for after three destinations: a) to fathom the central piece of science and advancement in contemporary society; b) to take a gander at how science and advancement reflect their social, political, philosophical, money related and social associations; and c) to research the human, good and game plan repercussions of present and creating progresses.

Understudies propelled by the framework are solicited to expect certification as ahead from timetable as could be permitted in their school callings. To start with year initiates and sophomores should visit with the official concerning courses to be taken in the newbie and sophomore years.



• Science, Technology and Society Major


• Science, Technology and Society: I.

Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, NY) - Science, Technology and Society Program Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, NY) - Science, Technology and Society Program Reviewed by University Collage Info on 04:10 Rating: 5

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