Visual and Communication Arts - Eastern Mennonite University

The Visual and Communication Arts Department (VACA) offers majors in studio workmanship, craftsmanship preparing, correspondence, mechanized media and photography. These majors get prepared understudies to look for after master livelihoods in a grouping of employments and to look for after graduate work in an assortment of activities. 

Majors and Minors 

Our majors get prepared understudies to move gently from the studio, to the display, to the field and to the screen in their inventive activities. Curious about the expert possible results for EMU alums? Visit our VACA occupations page.. 

Workmanship major and craftsmanship preparing endorsing 

Plans understudies who will look for after master craftsmanship related livelihoods, free compelling artwork and graduate work in workmanship. The workmanship genuine offers an arrangement of studio expressions decisions after understudies finish a primary subjects. 

Correspondence major 

Understudies take a general social occasion of focus courses close by the foundational courses in a grouping of electronic media, creating and speculation courses. 

Electronic media major 

Understudies focus on the merging of the web, propelled video, sound and photography within a growing bunch of transport structures.

Visual and Communication Arts - Eastern Mennonite University Visual and Communication Arts - Eastern Mennonite University Reviewed by University Collage Info on 23:13 Rating: 5

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